“Their fragile planet spins under a thin veil of air, and still they imagine they own the cosmos. They forget that their world is but a flicker in the vastness of this light.”

Image NGC1499 – California Nebula – SHO (Hubble Palette)


The California Nebula is an emission nebula located in the constellation Perseus. Its name comes from its resemblance to the outline of the US State of California in long exposure photographs. It is almost 2.5° long on the sky and, because of its very low surface brightness, it is extremely difficult to observe visually. It lies at a distance of about 1,000 light years from Earth. Its fluorescence is due to excitation of the Hβ line in the nebula by the nearby prodigiously energetic O7 star, Xi Persei.

By coincidence, the California Nebula transits in the zenith in central California as the latitude matches the declination of the object.

Image Information

Object(s) Catalog No.NGC1499
Object TypeEmission Nebula
Size2.5 degree wide
Distance1,000 ly


DateNovember 14th , 2024
Astronomical Dusk: 17h33
Moon Age13.42 days
Moon PhaseWaxing Gibbous (98% illumination)
Temperature-2 Celcius
TransparencyBelow Average
SeeingBelow Average
Wind11 km/h
Sky ADUn/a
Sky Flux (e/min)n/a



MountCGEM – OnStep Retrofit
Imaging ScopeModified Orion ED80T CF
Guiding ScopeAPM 60mm Image Maste
Imaging CameraASI294M Pro
Guiding CameraQHY5L-II-M
Additional OpticsSharpStar Field Flattener – 2.5″
FiltersAntlia SHO 3nm Pro filters

Acquisition Details

Number of files acquired: 127 (22.6 GB)
– 127 (Kept 117) Lights
– 90 Flats
– 50 Darks and Flat Darks

Total Integration Time: 9.75 hours

Single or Multiple Nights: 2 Nights

Start Time – Stop Time: [20h – 2h-3h]

Camera Temperature-10-10-10
Number of sub-frames681436
Sub-frames duration (sec)300300300
Number of good sub-frames581434
Number of Flats303030
Flats Duration (sec)202020
Number of Darks202020
Number of Flat Darks303030
Darks Duration (sec)300300300
Number of Bias000

Auto-Focuser Position: 2589

Autoguiding Average 0.54″

Acquisition Notes

100% Automated and unattended acquisition over two nights. First night was interrupted by clouds around 1h30.

Processing Notes

Should have captured more OII data to bring the blues out more in the final image.